Friday, October 24, 2008

First Post

Greetings. Herein lies another attempt at that blogging thing. Past attempts have attempted to document the song I woke up singing, my political observations and insights, and other categories of digital ephemera. Sadly, I was unable to maintain my initial zeal to post as fulltime employers didn't dig the whole homepage occupying my two very large,very expensive flat screen monitors on their dime. And who can blame them? That and the whole soul-sucking effect of fulltime employment downtime let a lot of the ambitious and determined air out of my balloon.

So how is my latest attempt any different? Well for one, I have a new company to promote: Butter Press. Formerly Deep Blue Ink, Butter Press provides graphic solutions for visual communication industries. With this blog I intend to document works in progress, availabilities and general updatery. In fact, all posts tagged with 'Butter' will operate as my online portfolio.

This blog will also provide relief to the inboxes of my spam list (you know who you are). Therefore, news and features I deem interesting will also be documented here. Typically, these spams center around the political landscape--economics in particular. Posts with this content will be tagged 'Guns'. Hence, Guns and Butter. How will you allocate your resources?

Other tags are TBD as degrees of subtlety emerge.

Why will THIS blog survive, you may be asking your beautiful self? As a newly minted, ambitious and determined freelance graphic solutions specialist, I expect to have time enough on my hands to CREATE content (or at least copy and paste). And with CHANGE on the horizon, I expect there will be plenty of opportunities to document history in my own little way.

So without further ado...*POST*